The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul

3.5 rating

In 100 Words or Less: Let me state clearly that I'm not "the type of guy" who would read a book called The Desire Map unless someone I trust recommended it to me. Having said that, I actually enjoyed it and found it thought-provoking. Danielle opens by arguing that we often ask ourselves "what should I do", when we should ask "how do I want to feel?" What follows is a discussion of living with purpose and getting in touch with our true feelings. It's a wonderful blend of awareness of our innermost desires without becoming attached to a particular result; of recognizing that we cannot always choose what happens to us, but that we can always choose how we feel about it.

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Chris Aram

I'm one-half of Webster Park Digital. I'm a devoted family man, avid reader, coffee snob, fajita-eater and professional PlayStation4 dabbler.

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